Writing Workshop:  Please note that this syllabus is for fall 2000, not for spring 2005.  A new syllabus, with different texts, will be posted by the first week of classes.

English 0200-001

Professor Beth Ann Rothermel

Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 2:30-4:30, and by appointment, Bates 213, #572-5336.

Meeting place and time: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:30-11:20, Bates 210

Go Straight to Assignments

Required Texts and Supplies:


General Course Description: Designed for students in all majors, the workshop will develop skills in rhetorical techniques and provide practice in specific types of expository writing appropriate to many disciplines.

Specific Course Goals--at the end of this semester you should be able to:

Attendance: This class requires collaborative learning. Attendance is vital and absences will be recorded. Missing more than three classes will affect your grade, regardless of whether you have excuses. Two "lates" will count as one absence.

Much of the work that we will be doing in this class involves discussion. Your success, as well as the success of your peers, depends upon your regular participation. This is especially true on days when rough drafts are due. Failure to attend class on these days means that you will not be given a peer response assignment. This will affect your grade.

Assignments: I will assign both in-class and out-of-class essays, along with various written and oral exercises. Unless otherwise notified, out-of-class assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date specified by the course outline. For each out-of-class essay, you will write at least one rough draft before producing the final draft. You will also be expected to complete a peer critique for each of these essays.

Assignments handed in late will be marked down (five points per day). Failure to hand in a rough draft and peer critique will lower the grade on your final draft considerably (see section on grading). All drafts should be typed and double-spaced. Papers should be documented using the MLA or APA citation system. You will always need at least 2 photocopies of your rough drafts. Consider this an additional course expense. Students should also retain a photocopy of all their final drafts. Conferences with the instructor will be arranged when necessary. Any exceptions to the above guidelines must be discussed with me in advance of due dates.

Grading: Please note the criteria for grading distributed to you during class. Your final grade will be based on the following assignments:

For a total of 1000 points.

Each final paper will receive two grades: the first grade, for product, will be added into your essay grade accordingly; the second grade, for process, will be added into your participation grade. Note, however, that failure to pass in a rough draft on the date the rough draft is due will not only leave you with a process grade of zero, but also will lower your final product grade by one grade.

When I compute grades at the end of the semester, numbers will correspond to the following letters (i.e., 925 and above equals A, 900-924 equals A-):

Scholastic Dishonesty: Please read and sign the statement on plagiarism given to you during class during the second meeting. Retain note cards, drafts, and any other relevant materials for all major writing assignments. You may be required to submit these on request.


All readings are found in the textbooks unless otherwise specified. Note that reading logs will be picked up randomly and unannounced. Always have them in class with you along with all texts. Note that assignments and due dates are subject to change.





Final exam will be held on Monday, December 20, 10:30-12:30 in Bates 210.

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